Index-List of Contents (Labels)

Do excelling in academics is important? Wealth Health and Discipline, what is important?

While explaining the things to my school going daughters, the content is drafted and posted here.

For getting placement in Campus Recruitment, Yes
For getting approvals from Government  and for  Bank Loans, for Business, Yes
For doing consultancy, where Govt Approvals and Loans are not required, but to attract prospective clients, Yes

Wealth Health Discipline, what is important?
  • In the above three, having health & discipline if wealth is lost
  • In the above three, having wealth & discipline if health is lost
  • In the above three, having wealth & health  if discipline is lost
as per my view:-
  • If Wealth is lost = nothing is lost
  • If Health is lost = something is lost
  • If Discipline is lost = everything is lost

Please go through the below blog created by my elder daughter Ambica as part of her holiday homework, when she was in 9th class    What you observed in the above blog, is the basic weakness of human being is "To-Impress", thereby to attract their attention.
Doing different from routine and informing this to intended audience to get their attention diverted.

Honestly do the below.
List down those you did differently for impressing.
Please also list down those persons from whom you expect appreciating words like shabas, super, great, cute.... 

As per my observation, Intended Audience  differ as per the age group:
Age 0 to 5, only Parents
Age 6 to 10,  Parents + other family persons (Grand Fathers, Uncles....cousins)
Age 11 to 15, slightly the importance of parents/family will reduce, the importance of friends will start, even if they ask also you may not interest to perform in front of them.
Age 16 to 20, importance of parents/family completely disappear, importance of friends will also be reduced, except a single Boy/Girl
Based on our agenda let us stop at this point, 

Even after having Wealth, Health, & Discipline,  still no clarity, and unable to plan what to do next minute.
Once you sit for study we feel the below:-
  • Feeling Hungry
  • Wants to talk to someone
  • Wants to see the Social Media
  • Something Something happens which even cannot be named.
Do you want to know the reason for such?
Answer : Make your parents  as  your "To-Impress" Audience you will get good results

Do anything but do it honestly.
Never cheat your parents, please note that hiding a fact also treated as cheating.
If anyone started showing special interest towards you, it means he/she trying to "To-Impress" you
Simple example, while celebrating birthday, if someone offered you  a big size chocolate different from others within the group  it is called "To-Impress",  inform to your parents.

Some points on Studies
  • What to Study
  • How to Study
  • As every person is unique since uniqueness of DNA, do not force your body with rule, honestly do your duty.
  • Clearly establish What to Study by discussing with your Teachers/Parents.
How to Study, it is unique, I suggest you present the content before mirror, as if you are a Teacher, you can only do this if you can understands clearly.

I follow below points in my personal life:

(i) If I feel argument is baseless follow below principle
  • Clever wants to win the argument 
  • Genius wants to avoid the argument 

(ii) Thoughts
  • Human mind always
  • Angry about the Past
  • Anxious about the Future
  • but simply Ignores the Present
  • Therefore only concentrate on Present 

(iii) Think/behave like a owner

(iii) Finally Never cheat yourself

Once again thanking you 